Friday, July 6, 2012

Bowtie pasta salad with peas

I got this recipe from my neighbor after I had eaten it a few times at our neighborhood BBQs.  It is a keeper.  Even my brother, Chad, loved it so it is a 2 thumbs up!

Bow-tie pasta (I like the mini bow-tie pasta)
1/2 purple onion chopped
toasted almonds
shredded Parmesan cheese
Olive Garden dressing (or your favorite creamy Italian salad dressing)

This recipe is one that you just combine how much you there are no EXACT measurements!

Boil 1/2 box of pasta (unless it is for a party, then cook it all!).  After pasta is cooked, add peas, chopped onions and toasted almonds.  Mix 1/2 cup of mayonnaise and 1/2 cup of dressing.  Stir it into the pasta.  Add some Parmesan cheese to the salad and stir in also.  Put the salad in the fridge and let it chill for a couple of hours before eating.  YUMMY!


Marne said...

This is super good, we ate it at Tami's this summer. Thanks for thee recipe!

Tara said...

Looking forward to making this next week